The Society was formed in 1996 by like minded people who lived in and around West End to preserve West End’s Heritage for future generations in words, photographs and artefacts.
Monthly meetings are held in the nearby Parish Centre, Chapel Road, West End, SO30 3FE. with speakers on various subjects.
Our bi-monthly free news letter " WESTENDER" is issued at these meetings or available from the Museum which is open Saturdays 10am until 4pm. (excluding Bank Holidays)
The Society is happy to give help and support to personal local history research projects. If you have a little spare time, volunteers are always needed to staff the Museum on Saturdays.
Annual fees January - December are £ 12.00 per person all categories
Entrance fees for visitors to meetings is £ 2.00
Application Form for Membership of West End Local History Society
please click on the file to down load to print a copy.
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