West End Local History Society The Old Fire Station High Street West End SO30 3FB Museum Open Saturdays 10am - 4pm
West End Local History Society The Old Fire StationHigh StreetWest EndSO30 3FB     Museum Open Saturdays 10am - 4pm
South Stoneham Tithe Map 1845 - West End Parish

Plot Details for this Map Area 10 Indexed in Plot Order


Plot Land Owner Occupiers Description Cultivation
618 Rose Sarah John Ramsburg & Another Cottage & Garden ---
619 Rose Sarah John Hyde & Another Cottage & Garden ---
620 Harvey Elijah Himself & Another House & Garden ---
621 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley House Cottage & Buildings ---
646j Weston Thomas Himself Building Land Firs
646i Cave and Bartholomew Themselves Building Land ---
690b Vare Isaac William Wiltshire & Another House & Garden ---
696 Page Frederick Himself The Two Acre Mead ---
697 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Thomas Weston The Four Acres Arable
698 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late James Dowling Cottage & Garden ---
699 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley The Further Three Acres Arable
701 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley Clay Pit Field Arable
702 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley Land Arable
703 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley The Three acres Arable
704 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Richard Langley Almshouse Meadow Pasture
705a Gurman John Thomas Painter Hutch Hill Arable
705b Gurman John Thomas Painter Meadow Pasture
705c Gurman John Thomas Painter House & Garden ---
705d Gurman John Charles Baigent The Bugle Inn ---
705e Gurman John John Lane House & Garden ---
705f Gurman John John Churcher & Others Cottage & Garden ---
705g Vare Isaac Daniel Harvey & Others Cottage & Garden ---
705h Harrison Reverend William D (Glebe) John Hyde National School ---
706 Green John James Loader Garden & Orchard Orchard
707 Green John James Loader Garden Garden
708 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Joseph Moody & Others Cottage & Garden ---
709 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late James Snook & Others Cottage & Garden ---
710 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late Joseph Thorn & Others Alms Houses ---
711 Hoy James Barlow Exors of the Late George Ling House Shop & Garden ---
712 Biggs John Phillip Small & Another Cottage & Garden ---
713 Green Widow James Small Cottage & Garden ---
714 Biggs John William Axtell & Another Cottage & Garden ---
715 Biggs John Thos Othen & Another Cottage & Garden ---
716 Biggs John John Mill & Part Void Cottage & Garden ---
717 Biggs John Jas Loader & Another Cottage & Garden ---
718 Harvey William Himself Cottage & Garden & Orchard ---
719 Culley Charlotte William Webb Garden ---
720 Biggs John Himself Meadow Pasture
721a Biggs John Himself House & Garden ---
721b Biggs John Thomas Farrow Garden Garden
723 Culley Charlotte William Webb Hilly field Arable
724 Biggs John Thomas Farrow Brick Kiln Piece Arable
725 Biggs John Thomas Farrow House Buildings & Roadway ---
726 Biggs John Thomas Farrow Piece by House Arable
727 Biggs John Thomas Farrow Garden Garden
728 Biggs John Thomas Farrow Orchard Pasture
729 Culley Charlotte William Webb Barn Mead Pasture
730 Culley Charlotte William Webb Orchard Pasture
731 Culley Charlotte William Webb House Yard Buildings ---
732 Culley Charlotte William Webb Road Mead Pasture
733 Culley Charlotte William Webb Long Mead Pasture
734 Biggs John Thomas Farrow Long Mead Pasture
735a Wiffin John Himself Pond Piece Arable
735b Wiffin John Charles Reeves Cottage & Garden ---
736 Wiffin John Himself Road ---
737 Wiffin John Himself House Garden & Buildings ---
738 Warner James Thomas Payne Long Meadow Pasture
739 Warner James John Carter Cottage & Garden ---
741 Warner James Thomas Payne Meadow Pasture
742 Sait Anne Edward Payne House Buildings etc ---
743 Sait Anne Edward Payne Home Field Pasture
744 Sait Anne Herself & Another House Garden & Shrubs ---
745 Sait Anne Henry Croft Home Mead Pasture
746 Sait Anne William Webb The Seven Acres Arable
747 Owton Widow William Mansbridge Poorhouse Piece Arable
748 Culley Charlotte William Webb Long Field ---
749 South Stoneham Union Guardians of the Same College Piece & House Arable
1271 Sait Peter John Sait Home Mead Pasture
1272 Sait Peter John Sait House Garden & Buildings ---
1273 Sait Anne William Webb Quob Meadow Pasture
1307 Owton Widow William Mansbridge Piece by Road Pasture
1307a Ede James Exors of the Late Elisha Harvey Piece by Road Pasture
1308 Gater Jacob Exors of the late Themselves Birchmoor Copse Pasture
1309 Gater Jacob Exors of the late Themselves Birchmoor Pasture
1310 Gater Jacob Exors of the late Themselves Hatch Hill Arable
1311 Gater Jacob Exors of the late Themselves Carpenters Close Arable
1941 Roads Rivers & Waste Roads Rivers & Waste Roads ---
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